The Basics Of Caring For Your Chimney
Chimney care and maintenance will be some of the types of home maintenance that homeowners will be the least likely to effectively perform. Often, this will simply be the byproduct of the homeowner not knowing the full range of care that the chimney will require.
Hire A Chimney Sweep Each Year
Sweeping the chimneys can be some of the most basic maintenance that will need to be performed to keep the chimneys in good condition. Regardless of the amount that you used the fireplace during the previous winter, it is important to have the chimney swept each year. This will prevent the chimney from becoming clogged, which could pose a major health and safety risk. While soot and ash from the fireplace is the most common source of clogs or blockages for the chimney, birds nesting and leaves falling into the chimney can both contribute to this problem as well.
Avoid Burning Paper In The Fireplace
Burning paper in the fireplace can be fairly damaging to the chimney, and this makes it something that you should avoid. It can be possible for small pieces of paper to fail to burn, which can allow them to be lifted upwards by the rising heat from the fire. As these bits of paper impact the interior sides of the chimney, it can become stuck, which can decrease the airflow through the chimney. Additionally, paper products can emit fumes that can be harsh enough to damage the interior lining of the chimney.
Have The Chimney Professionally Inspected
While cracks and other damages can occur to the exterior of the chimney, many of the most serious problems that this part of your home can encounter will occur to the interior lining. Unfortunately, it can be extremely difficult for you to evaluate the condition of the interior lining on your own. In addition to having a hard time seeing the interior of the chimney, it will also take a trained eye to be able to spot many of the subtle problems that a chimney could be developing.
Having your chimney professionally inspected will not have to be a very difficult task. In fact, there are chimney sweep services that will be able to offer inspection services for their clients. Immediately after sweeping the chimney can be among the best times to inspect it as the interior lining will be clean enough for many problems to become visible. While the chimney sweep service may not be able to repair the damage, they can provide a clear description of where the damage is located as well as the particular problem and its severity.
Reach out to a chimney cleaning service like A & A Chimney Sweep in your area for more information.